Also, Read: Latest Vaccination Chart for Babies in the USA Name Meaning Vaachaspati Lord of speech Vaageesh Lord of speech Vaagiswari One who is divine and powerful Vaakpati Great orator Vaalmeeki An ancient saint Vaaman Name of vishnu Vaamdev Name of...
Name Meaning Xamak One who shines brightly Xankar Blessing of the God; Another variant of the name Shankar. Xeavi A new beginning Xetrapati One who governs;Leader of the people Xhim He who is kind and soft-hearted Xhiva One who is compassionate...
Name Meaning Waman Short Wamika God Wariam A fearless leader Wasan Idol Wasimbir One who is an attractive individual Wenkat Supreme Being;Another name of Lord Vishnu Wenkatesh Supreme Being;Another name of Lord Vishnu Wishu A long desire Wyconda Beautiful stranger Also,...
Name Meaning Haan It means the rooster Haarikrishnna Born by the Grace of God Haarsh Symbol of happiness Haipriya One loved by Lord Vishnu Hajay An invincible person Haji Born during the hajj Hakesh Lord of sound Haldar The man who...
Name Meaning Ya He who supplants Ya’qub Arabic form of jacob Yaamir Blessed by moonlight Yaaqub Name of a prophet in Islam Yaaseen One of the prophet muhammad’s names Yaasir One who is well-off financially Yafir One who leaves a mark...
Name Meaning Wa’il Coming back for shelter Waa’il Coming back for shelter Waahid Single Waaiz The one who will advise his people Wadee Calm Wadi Calm Wadood A good companion Waf One who is loyal and devoted Wafadar One who is...
Name Meaning Ubaadah Old arabic name Ubadah Servant of god Ubaid Faithful Ubaida Servant of god Ubaidah Servant of god Ubay Servant of god Ubayy Old arabic name Umaarah Old arabic name Umair Old arabic name Umarah Old arabic name Umayr...