List of Unique Christian Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘O’

Name Meaning
Oachim God will establish
Oakley Oak-tree field
Obadiah Servant of god
Obasolape The person who is complete by the Lord
Obatotosinloluwa One who is praised by people around him
Obed A short form of obadiah
Oceanus The one who carries the beauty and calmness of the ocean
Ocelfa He who survives all trials in life
Octavian Eighth
Oded Strong omar – first son
Ogden Oak valley.
Olaf The remaining of the ancestors
Ole Ancestor
Olin Holly
Oliver In Latin origin
Ollie A familiar form of oliver
Olliver Elf army
Olsen Son of ole
Olson Son of ole
Omar Long life
Omarr Long life
Ommar Long life
Oneil It is an Irish surname meaning descendant
Ophir Honest
Oran Pale one; pine ornice – cedar tree
Orlondo Famous country
Ormond Bear mountain; spear protector
Orran The name of an english river
Orren From the pine tree / a pale-skinned man
Orrick Old oak tree
Orrin River
Orton Shore town
Orval A form of orville
Orvin Spear friend
Osaze Favoured by god
Osbaldo Uncertain
Osbert Divine; bright
Osborn Warrior of god
Osborne Soldier of god
Osmar Divine; wonderful
Osmond Divine protector.
Osric Divine ruler
Oswald God’s power; god’s crest
Oswaldo Uncertain
Oswin Divine friend.
Ouseph It is a south indian variant of the name Joseph.
Owen In Welsh name
Owenn A well- born man
Oxley Ox meadow
Oxton Ox town
Oz Strength
Ozzie A familiar form of osborn
Ozzy A familiar form of osborn

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