Complete List and Meaning of Christian Baby Girl Names Starting with ‘L’

Name Meaning
Laboni Graceful
Lacci Man from normandy ; as delicate as lace
Laci Lacy ; lace-like
Ladonna Lady
Lael Of god
Lailaa Dark beauty
Lailie Born during light
Laina A form of lane
Lainey Bright light
Lakeesha Joyful or happy
Lakeeshia Joyful or happy
Lakendra Son of henry
Lakessha Joyful or happy
Lakken From the still waters
Lallie Babbler
Lamara Weary
Landyn A form of landon
Lanee One who takes the narrow path
Laney A familiar form of lane
Langley Long meadow
Lanie A form of laney
Lanna Attractive
Lara It is the name of a Roman mythological character
Larissa It means a haven or a refuge
Lark Skylark.
Larra Cheerful
Latassha Birthday
Latissha Great joy
Latoyya Praised woman
Laura Crowned with laurel.
Lauran A form of lauren
Laureanne A short form of laurianna
Laureen Crowned with laurel ; from the laurel tree
Lauren A form of laura
Laurenn Crowned with laurel ; from the laurel tree
Lauretta A form of loretta
Lauriane A short form of laurianna
Laurianna A combination of laurie & anna
Laurianne A short form of laurianna
Laurie A familiar form of laura
Laurin A form of lauren
Laurren Crowned with laurel ; from the laurel tree
Laurrie Crowned with laurel ; from the laurel tree
Laury A familiar form of laura
Lauryn A familiar form of laura
Laurynn Crowned with laurel ; from the laurel tree
Layla A variation of an Arabic word Leila
Laynee One who takes the narrow path
Leah In Hebrew
Lean A form of leeann
Leana A form of liana
Leann A form of leeann
Leanna A form of liana
Leanndra Like a lioness the female version of leander also see leona
Leanne A form of leeann
Leanore A form of helen
Ledah Birth
Leea From the meadow
Leeah One who is weary ; in the bible
Leeandra Like a lioness the female version of leander also see leona
Leeann A form of lian
Leeanna A form of liana
Leeanne A form of lian
Leeona Lion
Leeonna Lion
Leesa A form of leeza
Leesly From the holly garden ; of the gray fortress
Leester Fortified place
Leeza A form of lisa
Leia Child of heaven
Leigh A form of lee
Leigha A form of leah
Leighann A form of leeann
Leighanna A form of liana
Leighanne A form of leeann
Leilanii Heavenly flower
Leilanni Heavenly flower
Leisa A form of lisa
Lemuela Dedicated to god
Lenna Sun ray
Leocadia Clear
Leoma Brilliant
Leonna Lion
Lesliee From the holly garden ; of the gray fortress
Leslly From the holly garden ; of the gray fortress
Lessly From the holly garden ; of the gray fortress
Letticia Joyful happy or glad
Letty A familiar form of leticia
Levia Combine forces lexine – helper of mankind
Levita Twinkle
Levyna Twinkle
Lexi Defender of man
Lexii Defender of mankind
Lexiss Protector of mankind
Lexxi Defender of mankind
Lexxie Defender of mankind
Leyla Born at night
Lia Dependence
Liama Determined guardian
Liana Meadow
Liane A form of lian
Lianna Meadow
Lianne A form of lian
Libba From the name elizabeth
Libby Consecreted to god
Libena Libena means love
Liddia Woman from lydia
Lidia Woman from lydia
Liisa My god is bountiful ; god
Lilah Born at night / resembling a lily
Lilian Resembling the lily
Liliann Resembling the lily
Lilianna Lilies
Lilibeth A combination of lilly & beth
Lilith Ghost; storm goddess
Lilla Born at night / resembling a lily
Lillah Born at night / resembling a lily
Lillia Lilac
Lillian The name is an English Variant of Lilian derived from the flower name Lily representing innocence
Lilliana Lilies
Lilliann Resembling the lily
Lillianna Resembling the lily
Lillyann A combination of lilly & ann
Lillybelle A combination of lilly & belle
Lillybet A combination of lilly & elizabeth
Lily In English
Lilyana Lilies
Lilybelle A combination of lily & belle
Lilybet A combination of lily & elizabeth
Lin A form of lynn
Lindaa One who is soft and beautiful
Lindsay A form of lindsey
Lindsee A form of lindsey
Lindsey Linden tree island
Lindsi A form of lindsey
Lindsie A form of lindsey
Lindsy A form of lindsey
Linh A form of lin
Linley Flax meadow
Linna Tender
Linnda One who is soft and beautiful
Linsey A form of lindsey
Linzee A form of lindsey
Linzy A form of lindsey
Lisa A short form of elizabeth
Lisabet Consecrated to god lisette – consecrated to god
Lisbet A short form of elizabeth
Lisbeth A short form of elizabeth
Liset A familiar form of elise
Liseth A form of liset
Lisette A familiar form of elise
Lissa My god is bountiful ; god
Lissbeth My god is bountiful ; god
Lisset A familiar form of elise
Lissette A familiar form of elise
Livia From the name olivia
Liz A short form of elizabeth
Liza Consecrated to god
Lizabeth A short form of elizabeth
Lizbet A short form of elizabeth
Lizbeth A short form of elizabeth
Lizza Consecrated to god
Lizzbeth My god is bountiful ; god
Lochan Bright eyes
Lodema Quide
Lodima Quide
Lodyma Quide
Lois In Hebrew
Lolly A familiar form of laura. sweet; candy
Lona Solitary
Lonlee A form of lona
Lonna A form of lona
Loreena Crowned with laurels
Lorelai Murmuring rock
Lorelei From the rocky cliff ; in mythology
Lorena Crowned with laurels
Lorenn Crowned with laurel
Lorenna Crowned with laurels
Loreto Light
Loretta A familiar form of laura
Lorii Crowned with laurels
Lorna Scottish name that means honor and victory
Lorra Crowned with laurels
Lorreen Crowned with laurel
Lorrena Crowned with laurels
Lorri Crowned with laurels
Louisa A familiar form of louise
Louise Renowned warrior
Louvaine Louise’s vanity
Love Love
Lovely Lovely
Luccia Bringer of light
Lucciana Bringer of light
Lucetta A familiar form of lucille
Lucia Light
Luciana Light
Luciann Surrounded by light
Lucianna Bringer of light
Lucila A form of lucille
Lucile Lucile means
Lucille A familiar form of lucy
Luella Elf
Lulie Sleepy
Lulu Soothing
Lunna Of the moon
Luvena Little; beloved
Lyddia A beautiful woman from lydia
Lydia In Greek
Lyla A form of lyle
Lylee From the island
Lylla Born at night / resembling a lily
Lynae A form of lynn
Lyndell A form of lynelle
Lyndsay Lincoln island
Lynelle Pretty
Lynette A form of linette
Lynlee A form of lynn
Lynn Waterfall
Lynnae A form of lynn
Lynnda Pretty
Lynndsey Island of linden trees
Lynne Waterfall; pool below a waterfall
Lynnell A form of lynelle
Lynnette A form of lynette
Lynnsey From the linden tree
Lynsey Lincoln island
Lyricc Of the lyre ; the words of a song
Lysa A form of lisa
Lysette A form of liset
Lyzabeth A short form of elizabeth

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