Most Popular and Trendy of Christian Baby Girl Names Starting with ‘M’

Name Meaning
Maari Wished-for child
Maaria Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Maarka It means steady rain
Maaya The great one ; in mythology
Mabel Latin name that means ‘adorable’
Mabella A form of mabel
Maciee One who wields a weapon
Macii One who wields a weapon
Mada A form of madaline
Madalaine A form of madeline
Madalena From magdala
Madaline A form of madeline
Madalyn From magdala
Madalynn From magdala
Maddalena From magdala
Maddalyn Woman from magdala
Maddalynn Woman from magdala
Maddeline Woman from magdala
Maddelyn Woman from magdala
Maddelynn Woman from magdala
Maddie A familiar form of madeline
Maddisen Daughter of a mighty warrior
Maddisson Daughter of a mighty warrior
Maddisyn Daughter of a mighty warrior
Maddysen Daughter of a mighty warrior
Maddyson Daughter of a mighty warrior
Madelaine From magdala
Madelein From magdala
Madeleine From magdala
Madelena A form of madeline
Madelene A form of madeline
Madelin A form of madeline
Madeline One who is elevated
Madelinne Woman from magdala
Madelline Woman from magdala
Madellyn Woman from magdala
Madelyn A form of madeline
Madelynn From magdala
Madilyn From magdala
Madina From magdala
Madisen Variation: madison
Madison It is of English origin
Madissen Daughter of a mighty warrior
Madisson Daughter of a mighty warrior
Madissyn Daughter of a mighty warrior
Madisynn Daughter of a mighty warrior
Madlyn A form of madeline
Madonna My lady
Madysen A form of madison
Madyson A form of madison
Madysson Daughter of a mighty warrior
Mae A form of may
Maegan Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Maegann Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Maeve An intoxicat woman
Magda High tower one who is elevated
Magdala Tower
Magdalen Of magdala
Magdalena Of magdala
Magdalene Of magdala
Magen Shield
Magena A covering
Maggen Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Maggi A form of maggie
Maggie A familiar form of magdalen
Maggy A form of maggie
Mahala Woman; tenderness
Mahalia Affection
Mahola Dance
Maia Kinswoman; maiden
Maiah A form of maia
Maida Maiden
Maija Uncertain
Mair Uncertain
Mairi Uncertain
Mairwen Blessed mair
Maisie Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Maitane A form of maite
Maiya Uncertain
Makaila As the lord
Makalla Resembling myrtle
Makaylla Who is like god?
Makeena Man of abundance
Maleah Uncertain
Maleeah Bitter
Maleena A form of malina
Malha Queen
Malina Tower
Malinda Blend of melissa and linda
Malise Servant of jesus
Malka Queen
Mallia Uncertain
Mallorie Luckless
Malorie Luckless
Malva A form of melba
Mandi She who must be
Mangena Melody
Mara Sorrowful maree – from mary or marie
Marabel A form of maribel
Maranda Worthy of admiration
Marcela Dedicated to mars
Marcelen A form of marcella
Marcelina A form of marcella
Marci A familiar form of marcella
Marcie A familiar form of marcella
Marcy A familiar form of marcella
Mardella Meadow near a lake
Mareen Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Maren A sea of bitterness
Maretta A familiar form of margaret
Margaret Jewel
Margarett Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Marge A short form of margaret
Margery A form of margaret
Marggie Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Margie A familiar form of marge
Mari Wished-for child
Maria Bitter
Mariaann Blend of mary
Mariabella Beautiful maria
Mariah Uncertain
Mariam Uncertain
Mariamne Uncertain
Marian A form of maryann
Mariane A form of mary ann
Mariann A combination of mary & ann
Marianne Combination of mary & anne
Mariasha Perfect one
Maribel A combination of maria & isabel
Maribell A combination of maria & isabel
Maribelle Maria isabel
Marice Of the sea
Maricella Dedicated to mars
Maridel A form of maribel
Marie-Laure Bitter
Mariel Bitter
Mariell Bitter
Mariella Uncertain
Marielle Uncertain
Marigold Mary’s gold
Marija Bitter
Marika Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marillyn Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marilyn Bitter
Marilynn Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marinn Of the sea
Marinna A song
Marion Bitter
Maris Of the sea
Marisella Of mars ; mars was mythological roman god of fertility for whom the month march was named
Marisol Uncertain
Mariyah Bitter
Markeisha A combination of mary & keisha
Markesha A form of markeisha
Markeshia A form of markeisha
Markisha A form of markeisha
Markita Pearl
Marla A short form of marlena
Marlaina A form of marlena
Marlana A form of marlena
Marlayna A form of marlena
Marlee A form of marlene
Marleen From the high tower
Marleena From the high tower
Marleene Blend of mary
Marleigh A form of marlene
Marlena From the high tower
Marlene Of magdala
Marlenee Blend of mary
Marlenne Blend of mary
Marlie A form of marlene
Marlis A short form of marlisa
Marlisa A combination of maria & lisa
Marly A form of marlene
Marna Rejoice
Marnina Cause of joy
Marra Sorrowful maree – from mary or marie
Marranda Worthy of admiration
Marren Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marri Wished-for child
Marria Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marriah Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marriam Blend of mary
Marrian Blend of mary
Marriana Blend of mary
Marriann Blend of mary
Marrianna Blend of mary
Marrie Bitter disappointment
Marrina Sea maiden
Marrisa Mother of daksa
Marrissa Woman of the sea
Marry Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Marsha A form of marcia
Marshae A form of marsha
Marshay A form of marsha
Marta Lady
Martha Lady
Marti A familiar form of martha
Marvina Lover of the sea
Mary In Hebrew
Mary Ann A combination of mary & ann
Marya Uncertain
Maryam Uncertain
Maryan A combination of mary & ann
Maryann A combination of mary & ann
Maryanna Uncertain
Maryanne Uncertain
Masiel A form of massiel
Mataya Gift of god
Matea Gift of god
Mathea Gift of god may – bitter
Mattea Gift of god
Mattie A familiar form of martha
Maud Short forms of madeline and matilda
Maude A short form of madeline
Maureen It is the Irish cognate of Mary
Max Max is a unisex name that means “greatest”
Maxie A familiar form of maxine
May Flower; month of may
Mckennzie The fair one
Meadow Meadow
Meagann Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Meaghann Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Meegan Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Meeghan Pearl
Meg A short form of margaret
Megaan Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Megann Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Meggan Resembling a pearl / the child of light
Megghan Pearl
Meggie A familiar form of margaret
Meggy A familiar form of margaret
Meghaan Pearl
Meghann Pearl
Meira Light
Melanie It means darkness or blackness
Melannie A dark- skinned beauty
Melecent A form of millicent
Melicent A form of millicent
Melina Canary yellow
Melinna Canary yellow
Melisaa Resembling a honeybee ; in mythology
Meliss A form of Melissa meaning ‘Bee’ in Greek
Melisssa Resembling a honeybee ; in mythology
Mellanie A dark- skinned beauty
Mellina Canary yellow
Mellinda One who is sweet and gentle
Mellisa Honey-bee
Mellissa Honey-bee
Mellody A beautiful song
Menora Candelabra
Mercedees Mercies
Mercedes Mercies
Mercia A form of marcia
Mercilla A form of mercy
Mercy Compassion; mercy.
Merilyn A combination of merry & lynn
Merredith A great ruler ; protector of the sea
Merry Cheerful or happy.
Mertysa Famous
Mia The name has many origins – In Latin and Italian
Miaa Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Micaella Who is like god?
Michaela Like god
Michaella Who is like god?
Michal In Hebrew
Michelee Who is like god?
Michellee Who is like god?
Michellle Who is like god?
Micol Queen
Miia Star of the sea / from the sea of bitterness
Miika As the lord
Miina Love
Mikaela As the lord
Mikaella As the lord
Mikaylla As the lord
Mikka As the lord
Mikkayla As the lord
Milaan An eager and hardworking man
Milagros Miracles
Mildred Gentle counselor.
Miley Name that means ‘brave soldier’
Mili Virtuous
Milla One who is industrious and hardwork
Milley One who is merciful / a soldier
Millicent Industrious
Millie A familiar form of amelia
Milly A familiar form of amelia
Minna Love; mother
Mira Wonder; aim; light of god
Miranda Latin baby name that means
Mirannda Worthy of admiration
Mireille God has spoken
Mirella Jehovah spoke
Mireya Uncertain
Miriam Bitter
Mirra Wonder ; aim ; light of god
Mirracle An act of god
Mirranda Worthy of admiration
Missty Enveloped by mist.
Missy A familiar form of melissa
Misti A form of misty
Mistie A form of misty
Misty Enveloped by mist.
Miya From the sacred temple
Moesha Drawn from the water
Moira Uncertain
Molly Bitter
Monalisa Noble
Moni Probably a variant of Mouni meaning Silent or observing silence
Monika Uncertain
Monique It is a Greek name that means advisor
Monnica A solitary woman / one who advises others
Monti A short form of montgomery
Montserrat From the jagged mountain
Moona Moon
Morgann Circling the bright sea ; a sea dweller
Moria My teacher is god
Morriah The mount of the jerusalem’s temple of solomon
Moselle Taken from water
Myaa Emerald
Myla Merciful
Mylie Vine
Mylla Merciful
Myranda She who must be
Myrtle Myrtle is an evergreen shrub with medicinal properties
Mythili Seetha
Myya Emerald

Also, Check: A Complete List of Christian Baby Boy Names with Meanings

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