Hindu Baby Boy Names Starting with ‘T’ along with Meanings

There are hundreds of unique baby boy names, we are collecting the list of Hindu Baby Boy Names And Meanings With Letter T.

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Hindu Baby Boy Names And Meanings

Name Meaning
Taarank Savious
Taha Pure
Tahoma Someone who is different with a cute personality
Tajdar Corwned
Taksa A son of bharata
Taksh The name means ‘a great champion’ in Sanskrit.
Taksha King bharat’s son
Takshak A cobra
Taksheel Someone with a strong character
Takshil One with a strong character.
Talaketu Bhishma pitamaha
Talank Lord shiva
Talin Lord shiva
Talish Lord of earth
Tamal A tree with very dark bark
Tamas Darkness
Tamila Sun
Tamish God of darkness (moon)
Tamkinat Pomp
Tamoghna Lord vishnu; lord shiva
Tamonash Destroyer of ignorance
Tana Issue
Tanak Prize
Tanan A happy and cheerful soul.
Tanas He who is humble
Tanav Flute
Tanay Son
Tanish Ambition
Tanishq Jewel
Tanmay Absorbed
Tanmoijyoti One who is a happy soul.
Tanmoy One who is completely engrossed in God.
Tansh One who is a beautiful being
Tanuj Son
Tanush Lord shiva
Tanvir Strong
Tapan Hot season
Tapas Sun
Tapasendra Lord shiva
Tapasranjan Lord vishnu
Tapendra Lord of heat (sun)
Tapesh The holy trinity
Tapeshwar Lord shiva
Tapomay Full of moral virtue
Taporaj Moon
Tarachand Star
Tarachandra Star & moon
Taradhish Lord of the stars
Tarak Protector
Tarakesh Stary hair
Tarakeshwar Lord shiva
Taraknath Lord shiva
Taraksh Mountain
Taral Liquid
Taran Raft
Tarang Wave
Taranga Of the waves
Tarani Boat
Taraprashad Star
Tarendra Prince of stars
Taresh God of the stars ( moon)
Tarik One who crosses the river of life
Tarit Lightning
Tarosh Heaven
Tarpan Refreshing
Taru Small plant
Tarun Young
Taruntapan Morning sun
Tarusa Conquerer
Tasmee One who loves deeply
Tathagat Title of the buddha
Tatharaj Buddha
Tatya Lord shiva
Tautik Pearl
Tavas One who is courageous
Tavish Heaven
Teerth Holy place
Teerthankar A jain saint
Tej Shine
Teja Surya He who is bright-faced and shining like the sun
Tejai One whose light shines;A leading bright light
Tejal Bright
Tejas Lustre; brilliance
Tejasvar One who is intelligent and bright
Tejendra One who is bright faced
Tejesh God of brightness
Tejeshwar Lord of brightness
Tejindar One who manifests the glory of the God
Tejomay Glorious
Tejovikas He who shines like the sun
Tejpal One who spreads glory
Thakarshi Lord krishna
Thakur Leader; god
Thalbir One who is a mighty warrior
Thaman Name of a god
Thavanesh Lord shiva
Thet One who is peaceful
Tijil Moon
Tilak Ornament
Timin Large fish
Timmy Disaple of paul
Timothy Name of a saint
Tirranand Lord shiva
Tirtha Holy place
Tirthankar Lord vishnu
Tirthayaad Lord krishna
Tirumala Seven hills
Tirupathi Seven hills
Tisyaketu Lord shiva
Titir A bird
Toshan Satisfaction
Toya Water
Toyesh Lord of water
Trailokva The three worlds
Trambak Lord shiva
Triambak Lord shiva
Tribhuvan With knowledge of 3 worlds
Tridev Hindu trinity bramha
Tridhaman The holy trinity
Tridhatri Lord ganesh
Tridib Heaven
Tridiva Heaven
Trigun The three dimensions
Trigya Lord buddha
Trijal Lord shiva
Trikay Lord buddha
Trilochan Three eyed
Trilok Three worlds
Trilokanath Lord shiva
Trilokchand Moon of the three worlds
Trilokesh Lord shiva
Trimaan Worshipped in three worlds.
Trimurti The holy trinity
Trinabh Lord vishnu
Trinath Lord shivtripur three cities
Trinay Lord shiva
Trinayan Lord shiva
Tripurajit Lord shiva
Tripurari Name of lord shiva
Trisha Victory
Trishanku An ancient king
Trishar Pearl necklace
Trishul Lord shiva’s trident
Trishulank Lord shiva
Trishulin Lord shiva
Trivikram An epithet of vishnu
Trupal One with an active
Tshering One who is blessed with long life
Tufan Storm
Tuhin Snow
Tuhinsurra White as snow
Tuka Young boy
Tukaram A poet saint
Tulasidas Servant of tulasi (basil plant)
Tulsidaas Servant of tulsi
Tulsidas A famous saint
Tulsikumar Son of tulsi
Tunava A flute
Tunda Lord shiva
Tunganath Lord of the mountains
Tungar High
Tungesh Moon
Tungeshwar Lord of the mountains
Tungish Lord shiva; lord vishnu
Turag A thought
Turanyu Swift
Turvasu A son of yayaati
Tushaar Frost
Tushar Winter
Tusharkanti Lord shiva
Tusharsuvra White as snow
Tusya Lord shiva
Tuvidyumna Lord indra
Tuvijat Lord indra
Tyaagaraaj A deity
Tyagraja A famous poet

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