Modern Hindu Baby Girl Names & Meanings – Starting with ‘V’
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Name | Meaning |
Vaachaspati | Lord of speech |
Vaageesh | Lord of speech |
Vaagiswari | One who is divine and powerful |
Vaakpati | Great orator |
Vaalmeeki | An ancient saint |
Vaaman | Name of vishnu |
Vaamdev | Name of a shiva |
Vaanee | Speech |
Vaani | Full of energy and life |
Vaarshaney | Lord vishnu |
Vaarush | One who is destined to win |
Vaasanti | Spring festival |
Vaasavadatta | A name in sanskrit classics |
Vaasu | One who provides shelter;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaasudeva | A divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaasuki | A celestial cobra |
Vaatsyaayan | An author of old times |
Vaayu | Wind |
Vachan | Speech |
Vachanpreet | One who holds onto promises; A true and noble being |
Vachaspati | Lord of speech |
Vachasya | One who is a good orator |
Vachi | One who binds everyone; Another name of Goddess Lakshmi |
Vachya | Forthright and candid; Another name of Goddess Sita |
Vadamalaiyan | One who destroys evil; Another name of Lord Hanuman |
Vadin | Well known lecturer |
Vadish | Lord of the body |
Vadivel | A holy and precious one; One of the names of Lord Murugan. |
Vadivukarasi | Leader of the assembly of people; Another name of Lord Ranganatha |
Vagdevi | The goddess of speech ( saraswati) |
Vageeshwari | One who is blessed and sacred; Another name of Goddess Saraswathi |
Vagindra | Lord of speech |
Vagini | One who is a good orator |
Vagish | God of speech ( lord brahma) |
Vagisha | One who is potent; Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Vagishan | Lord of the mountains; Another name Of Lord Shiva |
Vagishwari | Saraswati |
Vahin | Lord shiva |
Vahini | Flowing |
Vaibhav | Prosperity |
Vaibhavi | |
Vaibudh | One who is like divine; Belonging to the Gods |
Vaidehi | The name refers to Goddess Sita. |
Vaidyanaath | Master of medicines |
Vaiga | |
Vaijanti | Name of flower ( lord vishnu’s favourite) |
Vaijantimala | Lord vishnu’s garland |
Vaijayanti | A garland of lord vishnu |
Vaijayantimala | A garland of lord vishnu |
Vaijayi | Victor |
Vaijeenath | King of life and death; Another name of Lord Siva |
Vaijnath | Lord shiva |
Vaikartan | Name of karna |
Vaikha | Queen like; Another name of Goddess Parvathi |
Vaikhan | Lord vishnu |
Vaikundanathan | A mighty conqueror |
Vaikundavasan | One who is crowned leader ;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaikunth | Heaven |
Vaikunth-nath | Master of heavens |
Vainavi | Gold |
Vainavin | Lord shiva |
Vairaj | Spiritual glory |
Vairaja | Son of virat |
Vairamani | One who is the ruler of destiny; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vairat | Gem |
Vairinchya | Lord brahma’s son |
Vairochan | An ancient name |
Vaisaka | A season |
Vaisakh | |
Vaishali | The Sanskrit girl name ‘Vaishali’ means ‘the great’. |
Vaishant | Quiet and shining star |
Vaishanvi | One who adorns Lord Vishnu; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Vaishavi | Goddess parvati |
Vaishnav | The devotee of lord vishnu |
Vaishnavi | Goddess durga |
Vaishu | Wise and graceful; Another name of Goddess Lakshmi |
Vaishvanar | One who is boundless and ubiquitous |
Vaishvi | One who is pure in spirit |
Vaishwaanar | Omnipresent |
Vaishwanar | One who is boundless and ubiquitous |
Vaisnavi | One who adorns and worships Lord Vishnu |
Vaitheeswaran | Lord of the universe; Another name of Lord Brahma |
Vaithi | Source of all avatars; origin of earth; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaiwaswat | One of the saints |
Vaj | Born with supreme strength |
Vajasani | Lord vishnu’s son |
Vajendra | Lord indra |
Vajra | Diamond |
Vajraang | Diamond bodied |
Vajrabaahu | One with strong arms |
Vajrabha | One who glitters like diamond |
Vajradhar | Lord indra |
Vajrahast | Lord shiva |
Vajrajit | Lord indra |
Vajrakaya | Sturdy like metal |
Vajraksha | |
Vajramala | Precious gem like diamond |
Vajramani | Diamond |
Vajranandha | One who is loveable ;Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vajranath | One who is the Lord of the clouds; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrapaani | Holder of rocks |
Vajrapani | Another name of Lord Indra;King of the highest heaven |
Vajrapathi | One who is the king of kings; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrashri | One who shines like diamond |
Vajratik | An excellent being; like a diamond |
Vajratulya | One who is like a diamond; an angel |
Vajrendra | Muscular and well-built; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajresh | One who is limitless; Another name of Lord Krishna or Lord Indra |
Vajreshwari | Buddhist goddess |
Vajreswar | A mighty conquerer; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajri | Strong armed; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vajrin | Lord indra |
Vak | A precious gift;like a diamond |
Vakrabhuj | Lord ganesh |
Vakratund | An epithet of ganesha |
Vakruthi | One who is good natured; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vaksharaj | King of the universe; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vaktrendru | A bright-faced; shining light |
Vakul | One who is wise; Another name of Lord Krishna and Lord Shiva |
Valaak | A crane |
Valasak | Stunning; good-looking |
Valgu | Attractive and good-looking |
Vallabh | Beloved |
Vallabha | Lover |
Vallabhi | Darling and precious |
Vallari | Creepers |
Vallavan | A strong and mighty warrior |
Valli | |
Valliammai | Loved one; The name was also given to the wife Of Lord Murugan |
Vallika | Creeper |
Vallimayil | Elevated like a mountain; Another name of Goddess Sita |
Vallinathan | One who provides guidance; Another name of Lord Muruga |
Valluvan | One who excels in everything |
Valmiki | Saint who wrote ramayan |
Valsala | |
Vam | An extraordinary and inspiring being |
Vama | Lord shiva |
Vamadatt | Blessing of Lord Shiva |
Vamadev | Lord shiva |
Vaman | The name means ‘short |
Vamaneshwar | God of the Sky; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vamdevi | Goddess durga |
Vamika | Durga |
Vamil | Beautiful |
Vamsee | One who is powerful |
Vamshi | |
Vamsi | |
Vamsi Krishna | |
Vamsidhar | Lord krishna |
Vamsikrishna | |
Vamsilatha | Lover of the Lord Krishna |
Van-raaj | Ruler of the foreset |
Vanabihari | Lord krishna |
Vanad | Cloud |
Vanadev | Lord of the forest |
Vanaja | Daughter of forest |
Vanajakshi | |
Vanajit | Lord of the forest |
Vanajyoti | Like a rose in the garden; Another name of Goddess Durga |
Vanamala | Garland of flowers |
Vanamalin | Lord krishna |
Vanani | Forest |
Vanathi | Of the forest |
Vanca | Wish |
Vance | Praiseworthy and kind |
Vanchinathan | |
Vandan | Adoration |
Vandana | Salute |
Vandhana | |
Vandita | The adored one |
Vandna | |
Vaneesha | Leading light of the universe |
Vangala | A beautiful melody; Ragini in music |
Vanhi | Fire |
Vanhishikha | Flame |
Vani | One who is articulate |
Vanij | Lord shiva |
Vanikshani | An elegant and dignified lady |
Vaninadh | Husband of saraswati |
Vaninath | Husband of saraswati |
Vanisha | |
Vanishree | |
Vanishri | One who has a beautiful voice; Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Vanishta | One who has great belief; Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Vanisree | One who is adored; Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Vanisri | Helper of the souls; Another name of  Goddess Saraswati |
Vanita | Lady |
Vanitha | |
Vanithasri | Helper of the souls; Another name of Goddess Lakshmi |
Vanjan | An elegant and dignified lady |
Vanjimagan | One who is dear and precious |
Vanlataa | One who is loveable by all |
Vanmaalee | An epithet of krishna |
Vanmala | Wildflower garland |
Vanmayi | An impressive and potent being;Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Vansh | Coming generation of father |
Vansheedhar | Flute player |
Vanshi | A beautiful flute |
Vanshika | |
Vanshya | |
Vansidhar | Lord krishna |
Vanya | God is Gracious |
Vara | Gods gift |
Varaa | A divine blessing; Another name of Goddess Parvati. |
Varaah | An epithet of vishnu |
Varaahamihir | An ancient astronomer |
Varad | God of fire |
Varada | Daughter |
Varadaraaj | Another name of vishnu |
Varadarajan | |
Varadraj | Lord vishnu |
Varalakshmi | Another name for Goddess Lakshmi |
Varalaxmi | |
Varana | Holy river |
Varaprasad | |
Varchaa | Powerful and dominant; Another name of Goddess Durga |
Varcheka | Light of guidance |
Varchini | One who shields; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Vardani | Increase in stature |
Vardaniya | Giver of good fortune |
Vardham | One who is kind; Another name Of Lord Mahavir and Buddha. |
Vardhaman | Lord mahavir |
Vardhan | Lord shiva |
Vardhini | |
Varen | Superior |
Varendra | Ocean |
Varenya | The Sanskrit name Varenya literally means ‘best or most excellent’ |
Varesh | Lord shiva |
Vareshvar | Lord shiva |
Vari | Water ; sea |
Varid | Cloud |
Varidhvaran | Colour of the cloud |
Varij | Lotus |
Varija | Lotus |
Varin | Gifts |
Varindra | Lord of all |
Varish | Lord vishnu |
Varisth | One who excels in everything |
Varisu | One who excels |
Variya | Excellent one |
Variyas | Lord shiva |
Varki | Ubiquitious; Lord of the universe |
Varman | One who is the leader;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Varna | A wise soul;Â Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Varnali | A beautiful rainbow |
Varnika | Moon |
Varnitha | |
Varsha | Rain |
Varshesh | Another name of Lord Indra;One who rains blessings |
Varshini | |
Varshit | |
Varshitha | Ran |
Varshwar | Grantor of all wishes; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vartanu | Beautiful |
Varthaman | One who lives in the present; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Varun | God of waters |
Varuna | Wife of the sea |
Varunavi | A new creation; Another name for Goddess Lakshmi |
Varunesh | Lord of water |
Varuni | Wife of varun (god of water) |
Varushka | Giver of happiness |
Varuta | A guardian angel |
Vasant | Spring |
Vasanta | Spring |
Vasantabrabha | Spring blossom |
Vasantamaalika | Garland of spring |
Vasanth | |
Vasantha | |
Vasanthi | |
Vasanti | The spring season |
Vasav | An epithet of indra |
Vasava | Refers to indra |
Vasavaj | Son of indra |
Vasavi | Son of indra |
Vasdev | God of entire being; The name was also given to the father Of Lord Krishna. |
Vaseekaran | A nice-looking individual |
Vashanth | A new bright beginning |
Vashiq | One who is superior |
Vashisht | One who is the master of all creation;distinguished |
Vasisht | Maharshi |
Vasistha | Name of a sage |
Vasu | An ancient king |
Vasuda | Earth |
Vasudev | God of the universe |
Vasudevan | |
Vasudha | |
Vasudhara | Earth |
Vasuki | A famous snake in hindu mythology |
Vasuman | Born of fire |
Vasumat | Lord krishna |
Vasumati | Apsara of unmatchable splendour |
Vasumitr | An ancient name |
Vasundhara | The earth |
Vasupati | Rich man |
Vasur | Precious |
Vasuroop | Lord shiva |
Vasusen | Original name of karna |
Vatatmaj | Lord hanuman |
Vatradhara | Practising penance |
Vatsa | Son |
Vatsal | Affectionate |
Vatsala | Loving |
Vatsapal | Lord krishna |
Vatsar | A year |
Vatsin | Lord vishnu |
Vaya | This unique girl name means ‘power |
Vaydeesh | God of the vedas |
Vayu | Lord hanuman |
Vayujat | Lord hanuman |
Vayun | Lively |
Vayunand | Lord hanuman |
Vayya | Friend |
Vea | Chief |
Ved | Knowledge |
Ved-vyaas | Name of a saint |
Veda | |
Vedakumbh | Lord Of The Vedas |
Vedamohan | Lord krishna |
Vedang | From the vedas |
Vedanga | Meaning of vedas |
Vedanika | One who is deeply independent and vivacious |
Vedant | Ultimate Wisdom; one who is blessed with vedic knowledge |
Vedanth | One who knows vedas in depth |
Vedaprakash | Light of the knowledge |
Vedasri | One with all vedic knowledge |
Vedati | One who spreads knowledge; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Vedatman | Lord vishnu |
Vedatmane | Spirit of the vedas |
Vedavati | One who is holy and pure;Another name of Sita |
Vedavrata | Vow of the vedas |
Vedavyasa | Vedic saint; wisdom of Vedas |
Vedbhushan | One adorned with knowledge of the vedas |
Vedesh | Lord of vedas |
Vedeshwar | Wisdom of the Vedas |
Vedha | |
Vedhapani | One who is the Lord of the universe; Another name of Brahma |
Vedhavathi | |
Vedhish | One who knows all; Another name of Lord Brahma |
Vedi | Filled with wisdom |
Vedika | One who is conscious and wise |
Veditha | An offering to God |
Vedmohan | Lord krishna |
Vedoday | Bright like the sun |
Vedomohan | Happiness; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vedprakash | Light of the vedas |
Vedraj | Lord Of All Vedas |
Vedswarup | Form of knowledge |
Vedvalli | One who has rich knowledge of Vedas |
Veekshan | One who is full of wisdom |
Veekshith | |
Veena | A musical instrument ( the beena) |
Veenadhari | Responsible and trustworthy; Another name of Goddess Saraswati |
Veenapani | Saraswati |
Veenod | Disciplined and respectful |
Veer | Brave |
Veeraganapati | Supreme power; Another name of Lord Ganesh |
Veeral | Unparalleled and precious |
Veeralaxmi | Protector of the souls; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Veeramani | |
Veeran | Valiant and fearless |
Veeranjaneyulu | |
Veerapandi | Valiant and fearless |
Veerappan | Valiant and fearless |
Veerasamy | |
Veerbhadra | The ashwamedha horse |
Veerender | |
Veerendra | Lord of courageous men |
Veeresh | Brave and courageous; leader of the warriors |
Veerjot | Macho and fearless |
Veernish | Daring and courageous |
Veerottam | Supreme amongst braves. |
Veeru | A brave person Character |
Vegh | Muscular and robust |
Veha | One who has no limits |
Vehzat | Blessed birth |
Velan | Lord shiva’s son |
Velappan | |
Velmurugan | |
Velraj | One who is supreme |
Velu | Short for Velayudhan |
Veluchami | Provider; Another name of Lord Muruga |
Veluppillai | Another name of Lord Muruga’s son |
Velusamy | Wise; Another name of Lord Murugan |
Vemana | A wise man; saint |
Ven | Kind-hearted and caring; Another name of Lord Venkateshwara |
Venavin | Divine grace; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Venavir | Lord shiva’s son |
Vendhan | One who is the Leading light |
Vendhu | The leading light of the world |
Vendra | One who is powerful |
Vengai | Valiant and strong |
Veni | Lord krishna |
Venimadhav | Lord krishna |
Venisha | One who is deeply dedicated and lively |
Venkadan | Provider of blessings |
Venkat | Lord vishnu; lord krishna |
Venkata | A generous soul; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkata Rao | |
Venkatachalam | |
Venkatadri | One who is kind; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkatakrishna | Blessed Lord |
Venkatalakshmi | |
Venkataraman | |
Venkataramana | |
Venkataramananandan | A name for lord vishnu |
Venkatasudeer | Like a King; Another name of Lord Venkateswara |
Venkatesan | Anointed one; Another name of Lord Venkatesha and Lord Krishna. |
Venkatesh | Name of god vishnu |
Venkatesha | Anointed one; Another name of Lord venkateswara |
Venkatesham | |
Venkateshan | |
Venkateshwarlu | |
Venkateswara | Name of lord venkateswara |
Venkatraman | |
Venki | Lord of the universe |
Venkitusamy | Lord of all souls; Another name of Lord Vekateshwara |
Venktesh | Wisdom of the Lord of the universe |
Venmathi | A pure soul |
Vennila | |
Venu | Flute |
Venugopal | |
Venugopalan | |
Venumadhav | |
Veronika | Displaying her true image |
Vetali | Durga |
Vetravati | A river in india |
Vetrivel | |
Veydant | Sum of the vedas |
Viaan | The name means ‘full of life and energy’. |
Viamrsh | Lord shiva |
Vianaya | One who is humble and fair |
Vibha | The ancient Sanskrit word means ‘ray of light’ |
Vibhaakar | The moon |
Vibhaavasu | The sun |
Vibhas | Decoration; light |
Vibhat | Dawn |
Vibhavari | Starry night |
Vibhavasu | The sun |
Vibhishan | A character from ramayana |
Vibhor | Ecstatic |
Vibhu | The name means “great |
Vibhumat | Lord krishna |
Vibhusnu | Lord shiva |
Vibhut | Strong |
Vibhuti | Of the sacred ash ; a symbol |
Vibin | |
Vibodh | Wise |
Vibol | One who has great wisdom |
Vichear | One who had wisdom |
Vidarbh | Ancient name of a state |
Videh | Without form |
Vidhatru | Lord shiva |
Vidhesh | Lord shiva |
Vidhi | Destiny |
Vidhu | Lord vishnu |
Vidhut | Electricity |
Vidhya | |
Vidhyadeep | A wise man; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vidhyadhar | Full of knowledge |
Vidip | Bright |
Vidipt | A bright-faced angel |
Vidit | |
Vidojas | Lord indra |
Vidula | The sanskrit name Vidula means ‘wise |
Vidur | Skilful |
Viduraj | Enlightened and clever being |
Vidush | Clever and full of wisdom |
Vidvan | Scholar |
Vidvatam | Lord shiva |
Vidvatar | Sage and clever being |
Vidvath | One who is highly intellectual |
Vidwan | One who has great insight and wisdom |
Vidwans | One who is highly intellectual |
Vidya | Wisdom |
Vidyaaranya | Forest of learning |
Vidyacharan | Learned |
Vidyadevi | Goddess of knowledge (saraswati) |
Vidyadhar | Learned |
Vidyadhari | |
Vidyakar | Born wise; full of wisdom |
Vidyaranya | Forest of knowledge |
Vidyasagar | Ocean of learning |
Vidyot | A flash of light |
Vidyota | The feminine variant of Sanskrit name Vidyot |
Vidyul | Lightning |
Vidyut | Brilliant; lightening |
Vidyutprabha | Lightening flash |
Vighnahara | Protector of the universe; Another name of Lord Ganesha |
Vighnajit | Lord ganesh |
Vighnaraaj | An epithet of ganesha |
Vighnarajendra | One who destroys all evils; |
Vighnesh | Lord ganesh |
Vighneshwar | Lord of supreme knowledge |
Vignesh | |
Vigneshwara | One who reigns |
Vigneshwaran | |
Vignyatri | One who has the wealth of life; Another name of Goddess Parvati |
Vigrah | Lord shiva |
Viha | The name means ‘sky |
Vihaan | Morning; dawn |
Vihang | A bird |
Vihanga | Bird |
Vihar | One who is infinite;Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vihari | Lord krishna |
Vijay | Means victory |
Vijaya | Victorious |
Vijaya Lakshmi | |
Vijayalakshmi | Goddess of victory |
Vijayalaxmi | Blessed with success; Another name of Goddess Lakshmi |
Vijayam | To succeed; Triumph |
Vijayamalini | A Garland of victory |
Vijayambika | Vijayambika means goddess of victory |
Vijayan | |
Vijayanand | |
Vijayank | Sign of victory |
Vijayant | Victor |
Vijayanti | Victorious |
Vijayaragavan | |
Vijayaraj | Success;Win;Triumph |
Vijayarathna | Significant among victorious |
Vijayasaradhi | One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vijayendra | God of victory |
Vijayesh | Lord shiva |
Vijayin | A mighty conqueror |
Vijayketu | Flag of victory |
Vijaykrishna | |
Vijeesh | One who leads to victory; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vijendra | Victorious |
Vijendran | Blessed with success |
Vijesh | |
Vijeta | Victorious |
Viji | |
Vijigeesh | Desire of victory |
Vijil | |
Vijith | |
Vijitha | A conqueror |
Vijna | Knowledgeable and enlightened being |
Vijul | A silk-cotton tree |
Vijval | Intelligent |
Vikaas | Progress |
Vikarnan | Son of dhritrashtra |
Vikas | Development |
Vikasa | A bright and glittering soul |
Vikash | Development |
Vikashini | A dazzling light |
Vikasini | Glorious and talented |
Vikasith | To prosper or to succeed |
Vikat | Of the monstrous figure. lord ganesha |
Viken | One who conquers and excels in everything |
Vikern | Errorless |
Vikesh | The moon |
Vikram | Valour |
Vikramaditya | A famous king |
Vikramajit | A famous king |
Vikramendra | King of prowess |
Vikramin | Lord vishnu |
Vikramjeet | One who is brave and victorious |
Vikrant | A warrior;One who is all powerful |
Vikranth | |
Viksar | Lord vishnu |
Viksha | Knowledge |
Vikshar | One who progress at the speed of light; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna |
Viksit | To blossom and to flourish |
Vikunth | Lord vishnu |
Vikyaath | Famous |
Vilaas | Entertainment |
Vilakshn | Supreme leader; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vilas | Coolness |
Vilasin | Shining |
Vilasini | A charming woman;One who is brilliant and lively |
Vilina | Merged |
Vilkesh | |
Villavan | Valiant and fearless |
Vilochan | The eye |
Vilohit | Lord shiva |
Vilok | To see |
Viloka | One who is kind; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vilokan | Gaze |
Vilpa | One who is influential |
Vimahat | Powerful and exceptional being |
Vimal | Pure |
Vimala | Pure |
Vimaladitya | Clean sun |
Vimalanathan | Pure and clean being; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vimalmani | Pure jewel (crystal) |
Vimitha | One who is charismatic and energetic |
Vimla | One who is pure and clean |
Vimochan | Pure; Provider of all blessings; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vimridh | Lord indra |
Vimudha | Another name of Goddess Lakshmi; One who is boundless |
Vimukhti | Vimukhti means emancipation. |
Vina | |
Vinaayak | Remover of obstacles |
Vinahast | Lord shiva |
Vinamr | Humble |
Vinand | Exuberant spirit; Delight and happiness |
Vinanti | Prayer |
Vinata | Humble |
Vinay | Modesty |
Vinaya | Modesty |
Vinayagam | Blessed soul; Another name of Lord Ganesh |
Vinayak | Lord ganesh |
Vinayaka | Anointed one; Destroyer of all evils; Another name of Lord Ganesha |
Vinayan | |
Vinaybeer | One who is brave and modest |
Vindhya | |
Vinduman | One who has great intellect |
Vindya | |
Vineela | |
Vineesh | |
Vineet | Unassuming |
Vineeta | Humble |
Vineeth | |
Vineetha | |
Vinesh | Godly |
Vinetra | One who is the leading light |
Vini | |
Vinil | Blue |
Viniray | Champion; One who is triumphant |
Vinish | |
Vinisha | |
Vinishchal | Strong and fearless |
Vinit | |
Vinita | Requester |
Vinitha | |
Viniti | The sanskrit girl name Viniti means ‘training |
Vinnu | A high spirited soul |
Vinochan | Lord shiva |
Vinod | Pleasing |
Vinodh | |
Vinodhini | |
Vinodini | Radha |
Vinodkumar | |
Vinoj | |
Vinoo | To spread in different directions |
Vinoth | |
Vinothini | |
Vinsanda | One who is joyful and full of life |
Vinu | |
Vinutha | Exceptionally new |
Vipan | Sail |
Vipasa | A river |
Vipaschit | Lord buddha |
Vipashchit | Lord of the universe; Another name of Lord Buddha and Lord Vishnu |
Vipin | Forest grove |
Vipinbehari | Forest wanderer |
Viplab | Floating ; revolution |
Viplav | Revolution |
Vipra | A priest |
Vipreet | Different |
Vipul | Extensive |
Vipula | Abundant |
Vir | Brave |
Viraaj | To shine |
Viraat | Giant |
Virabhadra | Lord shiva |
Viraj | Splendour and royalty |
Viraja | The name is of Sanskrit origin meaning ‘ruling |
Virajesh | Muscular and tough; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Viral | Rare |
Virali | One who is valuable and priceless |
Viranath | Lord of the brave |
Viranchi | Name of brahmaa |
Virasana | |
Virat | Supreme being |
Virata | Bravery |
Viravrat | A mighty warrior |
Virbhanu | Very strong |
Virender | |
Virendra | Brave lord |
Viresh | Brave lord |
Vireshvar | Lord shiva |
Virika | Bravery |
Virikvas | Lord indra |
Virinch | Light to the path; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Virinchi | Brahma |
Virocana | Shining like a star |
Virochan | The sun |
Virochana | One who is brilliant and angel faced |
Virok | A divine blessing; one who illuminates life |
Virudh | Opposition. |
Virun | The name is derived from Sanskrit |
Virurch | The holy trinity |
Virya | One who has great Valour and strength; a warrior |
Viryavat | One who is courageous and passionate |
Visaish | |
Visakh | |
Visala | Celestial apsara |
Visamaksh | Lord shiva |
Visesha | A precious gift |
Viseth | One who excels in everything |
Vishaal | Broad |
Vishaalaaksh | Large eyed |
Vishadh | One who has great moral or ethics |
Vishagan | Holy and Pure;Another name of Lord Muruga and Lord Vishnu |
Vishak | |
Vishaka | Stars |
Vishakan | One whose boundary is endless; Another name of Lord Murugan |
Vishakh | Lord shiva |
Vishakha | A nakshatra |
Vishal | Huge |
Vishala | Wide ; spacious |
Vishalaksh | Lord shiva |
Vishalakshi | One with big eyes |
Vishali | |
Vishaljot | One who is like a shining star |
Vishalpreet | One who is blessed with a pure heart |
Vishalya | Painless |
Vishamaksh | Anointed one; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vishantak | Lord shiva |
Vishanth | Divine grace; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishatan | Lord vishnu |
Vishaya | Subject |
Vishesh | Special |
Vishikh | Arrow |
Vishmati | |
Vishnahpu | Lord vishnu |
Vishnavi | |
Vishnu | The name comes from Sanskrit and means ‘all-pervasive’. |
Vishnu Prasad | |
Vishnu Priya | |
Vishnu Vardhan | One who gives and honours; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishnudas | |
Vishnudev | God |
Vishnudutt | Gift of lord vishnu |
Vishnumaya | Goddess parvati |
Vishnupriya | Goddess lakshmi |
Vishnuraman | One who is the provider of blessings; Another name of Lord Ram |
Vishnurat | Blessing of the Lord Vishnu |
Vishnuvardhan | |
Vishodhan | Lord vishnu |
Vishokha | One who is as powerful as the God |
Vishram | Rest |
Vishranti | Rest |
Vishravas | A wise and clever thinker |
Vishresh | The holy trinity |
Vishrut | Vishnu |
Vishruth | |
Vishtap | One who excels in everything; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishtasp | |
Vishti | A wise and clever thinker |
Vishudhir | One who is righteous |
Vishv | Universe |
Vishva | Earth |
Vishvadev | Lord of the universe |
Vishvadhar | Lord vishnu |
Vishvag | Lord brahma |
Vishvahetu | Lord vishnu |
Vishvajit | Conqueror of the world |
Vishvakarma | Architect of the universe |
Vishvaketu | An epithet of aniruddh |
Vishvaksen | One who conquers the world; Alternate name of Lord Vishnu |
Vishvam | Universal |
Vishvamitra | A sage |
Vishvanaath | Lord of the universe |
Vishvanabh | Lord vishnu |
Vishvanath | Lord of the universe |
Vishvaretas | Lord brahma; vishnu |
Vishvas | Faith |
Vishvatma | Universal soul |
Vishvesh | Lord of the world |
Vishwaamitra | Friend of the world |
Vishwaas | Faith |
Vishwajeet | Conquerer of the world |
Vishwakarma | Architect of the universe |
Vishwambhar | The supreme spirit |
Vishwambhara | Earth |
Vishwamitra | Friend of the universe |
Vishwamurti | An entity or form of the entire universe |
Vishwanath | The name comes from Sanskrit origin meaning ‘Lord of the universe’. |
Vishwanatha | |
Vishwankar | Creator of the universe |
Vishwaroop | Omnipresent |
Vishwas | Faith |
Vishwatma | Universal soul |
Vishweshwar | Lord of the universe |
Visisht | One who is exceptionally good; A Shining light |
Viskheet | |
Vismay | Surprise |
Vismaya | |
Visna | One who has a great destiny |
Visu | Name of lord shiva |
Visvajit | One who conquers the universe |
Visvambhar | One who guides through divine light; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Visvayu | Brother of amavasuand satayu |
Viswa | |
Viswaksen | One who is the king of the universe; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Viswanath | |
Viswanathan | |
Viswas | Trust |
Visweswara | One who is highly exalted; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vitabhay | Lord shiva; lord vishnu |
Vitaharya | Lord krishna |
Vitashokha | One who does not mourn |
Vitasta | River jhelum in sanskrit |
Vithala | Lord vishnu |
Vithika | Pathway |
Vithun | One who is vivid and vibrant;Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vitola | Peaceful |
Vittal | One who is immovable and committed; Another name of Lord Vishnu and Lord Krishna |
Vittala | One who is immovable;Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vittaleshwar | One who is strong and immovable; Another name of Lord Vishnu |
Vittanath | Owner of money ( kuber ) |
Vittesh | Lord of wealth |
Vitthal | Lord vishnu |
Vivaan | Lord krishna |
Vivash | Bright |
Vivaswat | The sun |
Vivatma | Universal soul |
Vivek | Conscience |
Viveka | |
Vivekanand | |
Vivekananda | Joy of discrimination |
Vivekanandhan | |
Viven | One who is blessed with great insight; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vivikvas | Full of wisdom; Another name of Lord Indra |
Vizivit | The sun |
Vrajabala | Girl from mathura and its neighbourhood |
Vrajakishore | Lord krishna |
Vrajalal | Lord krishna |
Vrajamohan | Lord krishna |
Vrajanadan | Lord krishna |
Vrajesh | Lord krishna |
Vrajkishore | Lord krishna |
Vrajlal | One who is charming and adorable; Another name of Lord Krishna |
Vrajmohan | Lord krishna |
Vrajraj | Lord krishna |
Vratesh | Lord shiva |
Vrddhi | The sanskrit origin name means ‘growth”prosperity or happiness’. |
Vrinda | Goddess Radha |
Vrisa | Lord krishna |
Vrisag | Lord shiva |
Vrisan | Lord shiva |
Vrisangan | Lord shiva |
Vrisapati | Lord shiva |
Vrisha | Cow |
Vrishab | Excellent |
Vrishabh | |
Vrishabhaanu | Father of radha |
Vrishank | Lord shiva |
Vrishin | Peacock |
Vrishti | Rain |
Vrisini | Lord shiva |
Vristi | Rain |
Vritansh | |
Vritti | Nature ; temperament |
Vrushal | One who is highly exalted |
Vrushali | Success;One who is blessed |
Vrushank | Destroyer of evil; Another name of Lord Shiva |
Vrushika | The name means ‘lovely |
Vumika | One who is like an angel |
Vyan | Air |
Vyanjana | Rhetorical suggestion |
Vyas | The ancient name is of Sanskrit origin meaning ‘wise sage’. |
Vyasa | The author of mahabharata |
Vyom | Sky |
Vyomaang | Part of the sky |
Vyomakesh | Sky like hair |
Vyoman | Sky |
Vyomdev | Lord shiva |
Vyomesh | The sun |
Vysakh | |
Vyshnav | |
Vyshnavi |