Name Meaning Eadbhard One who is a rich protector Eadfrid One who is responsible. Eadfrith One who is generous Eadhelm One who is full of life Eadmer One who is of high esteem Eadred One who is affluent Eadsele One who...
Name Meanings Daan God is my judge Daaron A great man / a gift from god Daavi Daavi is a variant of David and means beloved. Dace Southerner Daduidog The courageous leader Dae-hyun The honorable one Daecca He who possess supernatural...
Name Meaning Babasolaf Father’s property has been inherited Babatunji My father returns Babin Babis Analytical person from the legends Badada Person with a big heart Badrick Axe ruler Bail A form of vail Baker Baker Balaraju Baltasar God or lord protect...
Name Meaning Aabel It means ‘breath’ and signifies the breath of God Aadam Of the earth Aadan Of the earth Aaden It meansa small flame of fire Aadne It means the child is sharp as an eagle Aadrian A man from...
Name Meanings Caaden A battle maiden Cab A rope maker Cabail It means a rope maker by profession Cabal A private people’s group Cabales cheerful and friendly Cabbrieli A variation of Gabriel and servant of God Cabdi Arabic word for servant...